更多是画面连贯流畅的展现与偏重于较多科普旁白的是两类风格虎鲸猎杀幼年灰鲸这段扣人心弦最后半小时的深海镜头尤为新奇震撼配乐挺不错鉴于是20年前的片子网站在线看源码当时设备条件下如此的素材已经质量非常高了;可能因为有效素材较密集反而在对主题的表达上结构略显松散就为最后30分钟的镜头值得存档An endless expanse of blue, a vast watery desert.
Helen has green eyes: "I come from a place where evil seems easier to pinpoint because you can see it in the flesh." / "Darkness is easeful. The temptation to let go promises so much comfort after the pain." / "I am the maker of my own evil."